films - documentaries

The Knights of the Lagoon <b>NL Première</b> + <b>Q&A</b>

The Knights of the Lagoon NL Premiere + Q&A

Walter Bencini | Italy | 2013 | 100 min | Italian spoken | English subtitles
Voorstelling 1: Saturday 10 May 19:30 | KH 1
Voorstelling 2: Sunday 11 May 17:30 | KH 1 + Q&A

The fishermen of the Orbetello bay in Tuscany still fish in much the same way as their ancestors. While they posture and poke fun at each other, in typical male fashion, their traditional fishing methods maintain a balance between people and planet.

With humour, emotion, friendly banter and a lot of gesticulating, this gruff band of men tells a story of tradition and technology, humans and nature. While the world of the old ‘pescatori’ sinks slowly to the bottom of the lagoon, necessity drives them to reinvent themselves, fishing smarter and marketing their unique identity.

The Knights of the Lagoon will have its Dutch premiere at the Food Film Festival and has been selected for the FFF Feature-Length Food Film Competition 2014. The documentary will be preceded by the classic short Pescherecci.
Note: Only the screening on Sunday will be followed by a Q&A with the director.
Want to know more about fishing? Join the Great Fishing Debate on Saturday afternoon or sign up for the workshop with the Goede Vissers and Geert Burema.

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